


何故杖術なのか(Why Tsue/jyo technique)

「坂本君、合気と杖の形を創ってくれないか…。それはね……空手には形がある……、素晴らしいことだ。 それにひきかえ私の合気には残念ながら形が無い…、私は自分の合気の形を創りたいんだ……」。  これは私の合気柔術の師である菅原月洲翁から受け賜った言葉です。

私はこの言葉を、千歳翁の内弟子になった後も自分自身に課せられた宿題と位置付け、日々の稽古に取り組んでいました。 ところがある時、その課題を一気に解決できる技法を不思議なことですが千歳翁から授けられたのです。私はその時、月洲翁の合気柔術技法との類似性にとても驚きました。 実はそれが「投げ15構(変手15構)」なのです。

15構はすでに取り組んでいる変手なのでここで取り上げるのは形の創作についてです。 実は過去に、毎年春日部武道館で開催していた龍精杯大会で「投げの形」の名称で一度だけ演じたことがあるのです。 しかしその時は、15の動作を描いただけで、今思えば「形」と言えるレベルにとどいていませんでした。 その反省として、この杖の形の創作を機会に、組棒Ⅰ・Ⅱから基組の棍と組打ちの棍の二つの形あるいは益留寛治先生が記録映像として遺してくれた五十四歩(ウーセイシ)の形と同様に、 演武形として創作できればと考えたのです。

形の名称は、15構の十五を十五夜の月に結びつけ、潮騒の海辺で十五夜の名月を鑑賞する景色をイメージし、「月光・げっこう/moonlight」が相応しいのではないかと考えています。 何れ機会があれば演じてみたいと思っています。

創作の経緯を要約します。 これまで、杖の技法は、棍(六尺棒)の技法の中に組み込んで練習ができるので、杖の技法体系化についてあまり深く考えずにいました。しかし;
① 沖縄湖城流が杖の練習を取りいれていた。
② 杖術は相撲と同様に剣術から派生している。
③ 天眞正自源流の刀法と手(ティー)の関連を研究する過程で、ヌンチャク術の「八風五曲」 の形を創作することができた事で、空手技法の幅そして空手の思想や哲学の思考に深みがでた。

(※ 天眞正自源流総帥上野景範先生の許可を得ています)  




菅原月洲翁/Gesshu okina



Why Tsue/jyo technique)

``Sakamoto-kun, could you please create a Kata for Aiki and Tsue? That's wonderful... because Karate has Kata... On the other hand, unfortunately, my Aiki does not have Kata... I want to create my own Kata of Aiki..." These are the words I received from my Aiki-Jyujutsu Mater, Sugawara Gesshu.

Nage 15-ko
Even after I became uchi-deshi of Chitose Sensei, I continued to practice daily with these words as my homework. One day, Chitose Sensei gave me a technique that solved all my problems at once. I was surprised at the similarity between this technique and Gesshu's Aiki-jujutsu technique. In fact, it is "Nagenokata 15ko".

Hente has already worked on 15ko, so what I will focus on here is the creation of the Kata. In fact, in the past, I had only performed it once under the name ``Nage no Kata'' at the Ryuseihai Tournament held at Kasukabe Budokan every year. However, at that time, I only drew 15 movements, and looking back, I didn't reach a level that could be called ``Kata''. As a reflection on that, I took the opportunity to create this cane shape to create two shapes from Kumibo I and II: the Motokumi no kon and the Kumiuchi no kom, or the same Kata as the Useishi that Kanji Masutome Kanji sensei left behind as a recorded video. I thought it would be great if I could create something as Enbukata.

I believe that the appropriate name for the kata is ``Gekkou/Moonlight,'' which connects the 15ko 15 to the moon of the 15th night, and evokes the image of admiring the harvest moon of the 15th night on the seaside. I would like to perform it if I have a chance someday.

Creation of the Tsue Kata
The following is a summary of the process of creation. Until now, I had not given much thought to the systematization of the Tsue technique, since it can be incorporated into the Bo (Kon) technique and practiced within it. However;
① Okinawa Kojo-ryu Karate incorporated cane practice of Tsue.
② The Tsue technique, like sumo, is derived from swordsmanship (Kenjyutsu) .
③ In the process of researching the relationship between Tenshinsho Jigen-ryu sword techniques and Tie, I was able to create the Nuntyaku technique ``Happu Itsugyoku (eight winds and five tunes)'', which expanded the range of karate techniques and the thoughts and philosophy of karate. There was a sense of depth.

Based on the above facts and considerations, I have decided to make Tsue's techniques into a category like other weapon systems. And, similar to ③ above, I arrived at the creation of ``Ryuseishi no Tsue'' by referring to the sword techniques of Tenshinsho Jigenryu (*).
(* Permission has been obtained from Ueno Kagenori Sensei, the head of Tenshinsho Jigenryu)

The technique consists of three parts: "Basic (Kihon)", "Basic Kumiuchi", and "Gesshu no Kata". (October, 2023)



